Do Quercetin, Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin C and Melatonin help Protect against the Coronavirus?

There seems to be a war going over COVID-19 and supplements. On one side are experts telling you that supplements don't work and you should avoid them and just rely on wholesome foods. On the other, are experts telling you to take all kinds of supplements that will help protect you against COVID-19. Do they actually work? Some supplements do have evidence and some don't. This guide can help you make sense of the options and to separate the facts from fiction. As of December 2020, there are more than 70 types of supplements that are being tested for COVID-19 . You can review the details of these trials on . There are more than 120 trials testing the various nutrients and dietary supplements including vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc and melatonin. Vitamin D remains the most tested vitamin followed by vitamin C, for COVID-19. The lung injury in COVID-19 patients is associated with ROS (reactive oxygen species) released by white cells in the blood,...