Zenyum vs Invisalign vs WonderSmile: What's the Difference?

If you are considering getting an invisible braces or clear aligners treatment, you've come to the right place. Lately, the number of options for invisible braces and clear aligners have increased, thus making it complicated when it comes to choosing the right one. What are invisible braces? Clear braces are a transparent, plastic alternative to traditional metal braces used to adjust and align teeth. They are removable (unlike metal braces) and work by exerting consistent pressure on your teeth, so they shift and straighten over time. Invisible braces might seem like a modern invention. But in reality, dentists have been using plastic to shift teeth since the end of World War 2. The problem was it wasn’t the most convenient procedure. Given technological constraints, you’d need to visit the dentist every time to get new putty impressions of your teeth. It wasn’t until the advent of 3D-scanning technology, and specialised software that dentists could create accurate digital impress...