Liposuction Singapore: Prices and Reviews 2022

If you are looking to find the best liposuction doctor in Singapore for your liposuction procedure, you may wish to check out related reviews from customers who 'have been there, done that'. Although liposuction reviews are everywhere on the internet, some reviews may be fake and biased.

Related: Best 10 Plastic Surgery Clinics in Singapore

It is clear from browsing around forums, blogger reviews and popular healthcare marketing sites that there is a lot of bias in commercially sponsored content (e.g. advertorials etc.) as well as misinformation being spread. Although there is no way to guarantee that a review is independent and genuine, we have tried to filter out those junks, salesy and spammy reviews out there. We have tried to compile those reviews that we think are of quality and unbiased so that it's easy for you to come to a decision.

Liposuction Singapore

Liposuction is not a straight forward procedure. There are different areas and techniques involved and would require a consultation with your cosmetic surgeon in order to recommend the best possible option. 

As techniques have been refined, many ideas have emerged that have brought liposuction closer to being safe, easy, less uncomfortable, and effective. The marketing that goes on makes it hard for the consumer to determine truth from exaggeration however. The following is a list of liposuction techniques:

  1. Suction-assisted liposuction (SAL)
  2. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL)
  3. Power-assisted liposuction (PAL)
  4. Twin-cannula (assisted) liposuction (TCAL or TCL)
  5. External ultrasound-assisted liposuction (XUAL)
  6. Water-assisted liposuction
  7. Laser assisted liposuction
  8. Tumescent technique
  9. Sutures
  10. Liposuction and tightening / lifting skin
There are also non-invasive liposuction removal techniques, but do not expect to get as significant a result as with surgical liposuction. The two technologies that appear to be most effective are Liposonix (focused ultrasound) and Zeltiq (Coolsculpting or cryotreatment). They are both FDA approved and there is good data to support their effectiveness. There likely will be some new technologies coming down the road, but again, don't expect them to be as effective as surgical liposuction procedures. (Read more)

Before you visit your cosmetic surgeon, it's advisable to have a basic understanding of what liposuction is. You can read more about the procedure on wikipedia. If you are still confused on which liposuction is the right liposuction for you, check out the answers provided by 7 medical doctors on Realself.

Topics to Be Covered Below

  1. Liposuction Reviews in Singapore 
  2. Liposuction Prices in Singapore 
  3. Best Liposuction Surgeon in Singapore

Liposuction Singapore Reviews

Sep 2016 - Breast Augmentation and Liposuction

I have not done it yet. I saw the reviews that it will take quite some time to fully recover, so i am still considering about it. Sigh.
Not much recommendations or authentic shared reviews could be found as well. Wonder if its worth to go through the risk for it or should i just do in sg.
However, the price in SG is like more than $10k. Its only maybe more than 70k baht [$2k+] if done in Thai.

Feb 2016 - Breast Augmentation and Liposuction
Basically, i am thinking of doing lipo & Breast Augmentation. My boobs shrinked after my 2nd baby, from B to less than A. I am looking at to do in Thailand or in JB (malaysia). Please do recommend me doctors that you've been to & the charges.

May 2016 - Singapore Liposuction Reviews/Recommendation
Hi all , I've been browsing this forum for a longtime and I know most people had their lipo done in either bkk or Medan .
However my partner is very extremely against travelling to such places .
Any one has any success in lipo in singapore ?? Would be good to share with me .
I have googled the old threads , some people mentioned Amaris b? I just can't find any solid reviews like those in Medan where so many girls have posted their before and after etc
I'm a female with small upper body but huge thighs despite strict workouts etc.

June 2014 - My Liposuction journey. Experience and afterthoughts..
So I’m blogging about my Liposuction journey and it’s going to be a lengthy post.
It had been more than a year since I went for liposuction and I am still recovering now.
Why did I go for it?
My upper body tend to slim down faster than my lower body, and even if I put on weight, my lower body tend to put on faster and more than the upper body. I listened to my friend’s advice to start brisk walking, even though it helps, there are still stubborn fats on my legs that just won’t go away. FYI, brisk walking really helps alot, I think one of the reasons my legs just couldn’t slim down as fast as my upper body is because most of the weight I lost is from dieting and hulahooping so my legs just couldn’t catch up with the upper?

Mar 2013 - I finally did my tummy tuck 2 weeks ago at SGH by Dr Colin Song. Got my belly button stitches remove (2nd visit after discharge) yesterday by Dr Song. Like Superstar, I was comtemplating to do it in Thailand (Phuket for me... surgeon quoted me US$3,000 all in with hospital stay) initially but after some thoughts & research, I've decided to do it in Singapore. Dr Song is really nice & caring...very informative and willing to share which is important. After seeing him, my mind was so much settled. It is more expensive to do it here but one of the main reason I drop the idea of going to Phuket is because I wanted to be near my family and having them around you during the first week of surgery is important as you will need help to do simple things. I stayed in SGH for 3 nites (btw the nurses and Dr Song were great! Am surprised to get such good service & care at govt hospital). Get off bed to walk after 3pm of day 2. Slept with my back elevated and legs flexed for a week as I cannot stand or lie straight like normal. Gotta be careful that I don't 'pop' the stitches inside and outside. If anyone of you are interested to know more detail of what happened after surgery, I'll be happy to share. It is too early to tell at this stage because there are still swellings (will go away slowly approx 6 months time per Dr Song) BUT I'm really happy with my tummy now, looks so much better before the op even though the swellings are still there! No regrets! All I need to do now is to take good care of my wound and scar so that they heal nicely. 

Liposuction Prices in Singapore

Ever wondered how much a liposuction procedure actually costs in Singapore? Although the numbers and statistics are everywhere on the internet, we have compiled and organised the information accordingly in one place. The pricing information below is based on the published prices from major centres and pricing information available on the internet. 

The cost of liposuction in Singapore is normally within the range of about $15,000 - $25,000 depending on the number of body part areas to be treated and may also vary from centre to centre. In general, each body part treatment area costs about $1,500 - $2,800.

According to Plastytalk:
The cost of liposuction in Singapore range anywhere from SGD 1,500 to 12,000. At Raffles Hospital, the traditional procedure at costs at least SGD 8,000 while the water jet-assisted method will set one back by at least SGD 10,000. The ultrasonic-assisted one costs at least SGD 12,000.

Note: Please take note that the article above was published in 2014. Please contact your cosmetic surgery clinic for updated quotations.

Can I use MediSave for Liposuction in Singapore? MediSave can only be used to pay expenses for medical and not cosmetic treatment. Since liposuction is considered a cosmetic treatment, it is not Medisave claimable.

Vaser Liposuction Singapore Price

Just Did VASER on my Arms Today! - Singapore

Just had my arms done today. Couldnt sleep well last night. My mind was filled with lots of questions - will it be painful? will i be able to carry stuff and more..Will i be able to go to work on Day 3 after the surgery. (i have no choice!) My family are not here with me as they're in another country that is very far from me and my boyfriend is out of town for work). he mixed feelings i had has been bugging me since the day i booked my appointment for VASER.

VASERLipo for Double Chin and Back Fat - Singapore, SG
It was hard to fix a hereditary double chin with non-invasive treatments so when I opted for VASERlipo, a minimally-invasive treatment, it was even harder to find a doctor that I could trust.
Dr Ivan Puah from Amaris B. Clinic was not only a skilful and knowledgable doctor, but he is also very assuring. He also manages my expectations in a very honest manner, unlike many other doctors, which I utterly appreciate.
Cost: SGD 9,100

Best Liposuction Surgeon in Singapore?

Looking for the best option to do your liposuction in Singapore? In this post, we have also compiled a list of plastic surgeons and cosmetic surgery centres in Singapore. Since liposuction and tummy tucks can only be done by centres with an operation theatre, we have listed only plastic surgeons who are practicing in a hospital or an ambulatory care centre.

*Note: We have also added their estimate age for your convenience. As it was difficult to find available information on the age of the plastic surgeons, we have made an estimate based on the year that they have completed their medical degree program. Most doctors would have completed their basic medical degree at the age of 25 years old. For example, Dr Erik Ang; graduated from NUS with MBBS (NUS) in 1989. So, current year (2021) minus 1989 = 33 years post-graduation. Therefore, his current age is 25 + 33 = 58 yrs old.

Department of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, Singapore General Hospital | Liposuction SGH

Address: Outram Road, Singapore 169608.
Tel. : +65 63264600 (Appt), 6326 6400

A/Prof Tan Kok-Chai (Estimate Age*: 66 yrs old)
Dr Karen Sng Wei-Ee (Estimate Age*: 47 yrs old)
Dr Ong Yee Siang (Estimate Age*: 45 yrs old)
Dr Tan Bien-Keem (Estimate Age*: 53 yrs old)
Dr Wong Chin Ho 
(Estimate Age*: 42 yrs old)
Adjunct A/Prof Chee-Liam FOO. (Estimate Age*: 68 yrs old)

Div of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Department of Surgery.
National University Hospital

Address: Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119704
Tel. : +65 6772 2022

A/Prof Thiam-Chye, Lim (Estimate Age*: 60 yrs old)
Dr Wei Chen, Ong (Estimate Age*: 45 yrs old)
Dr Jane Lim (Estimate Age*: 55 yrs old)
Dr Shu-Jin, Lee 
(Estimate Age*: 45 yrs old)
Dr Ee-Cherk CHEONG. (Estimate Age*: 46 yrs old)

KK Women’s & Children’s Hospital

Dr Yong Chen POR. 
(Estimate Age*: 44 yrs old)
Department of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Level 2, Children’s Tower, KK Women’s & Children’s Hospital
100, Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 229899. Tel. 6294-4050

Dr Vincent KL YEOW. 
(Estimate Age*: 54 yrs old)
Department of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery.
Level 2, Children's Tower, KK Women's & Children's Hospital
100, Bukit timah Road, Singapore 229899. Tel. : 6394 1511

Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre

Adress: 3 Mount Elizabeth, Singapore 228510

Dr Erik Sze-Wee ANG. 
(Estimate Age*: 53 yrs old)
Suite 1208. Tel. : (65) 6836 8238 

Dr Chi-Chin CHAN. 
(Estimate Age*: 72 yrs old)
#08-09. Tel. : (65) 6734 5653

Dr Jun Jin CHUA, 
(Estimate Age*: 53 yrs old)
#03-05. Tel. : +65 62353235

Dr Harry Wing-Sang FOK. 
(Estimate Age*: 64 yrs old)
#14 16. Tel. : +65 6732 8682 

Dr Andrew KM KHOO. 
(Estimate Age*: 55 yrs old)
#13-08. Tel. : +65 6733 3712 

Dr Choong-Lieng YEAP. 
(Estimate Age*: 66 yrs old)
#14 13. Tel. : +65 6734 0061/6734 0062

Gleneagles Medical Centre

Dr Wong Saw Yeen. (Estimate Age*: 73 yrs old)
Wong's Plastic Surgery Centre, 6 Napier Road,
#07-13, Gleneagles Medical Centre , Singapore 258499
Tel: (65) 6479 7173

Dr Leslie BK KUEK. (Estimate Age*: 61 yrs old)
Gleneagles Medical Centre #03-04
6 Napier Road. Singapore 258499
Tel. : 
+65 6472 2972

Dr Chee-Seng SEAH. (Estimate Age*: 60 yrs old)
Gleneagles Medical Centre
Suite 08 11/12, 6 Napier Road, Singapore 258499
Tel. : 
+65 6472 1221

Dr Marco Faria Correa. (Estimate Age*: 64 yrs old)
Plastic surgery Pte Ltd
Gleneagles Medical Centre. 6 Napier Road, #10-05
Singapore 258499

Aesthetic Surgery, Department of General Surgery, Tan Tock Seng Hospital

Marcus TC WONG. 
(Estimate Age*: 47 yrs old)
Tan Tock Seng Hospital
11 Jalan Tan Tock Seng, Singapore 308433
Tel. : 6256 6011

A/Prof Poh-Him FONG. 
(Estimate Age*: 67 yrs old)
Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Level 1, 11 Jalan Tan Tock Seng, Singapore 398433
Tel. : 6251 2501

Camden Medical Centre

Adjunct A/Prof Ivor Jiun-LIM. 
(Estimate Age*: 51 yrs old)
1 Orchard Boulevard #12-01/02
Camden Medical Centre. Singapore 248649
Tel. : 6887 3852

Dr Woffles Wu Tze-Liang (Estimate Age*: 60 yrs old)
Camden Medical Centre
#09-02, One Orchard Boulevard, Singapore 249615
Tel. : 6733 9771

Novena Medical Center

Dr Ying Chien Tan
(Estimate Age*: 45 yrs old)
The Sloane Clinic Plastic Surgery Centre
10 Sinaran Drive. #08-35 Novena Medical Center
Singapore 307506. Tel: 63976848

Dr Andrew George TAY. 
(Estimate Age*: 53 yrs old)
Novena Medical Center
10 Sinaran Drive #11-33, Singapore 307506
Tel. : (65) 6397 6618

Mt Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre

Clinic: Cape Plastic Surgery Pte Ltd
Address: Mt Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre,
#10-31, 38 Irrawaddy road, Singapore 329563

Dr Shenthilkumar Naidu (also popularly known as Dr Shens)
Shens Clinic, 38 Irrawaddy Road #08-36
Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre , Singapore 329563.

Mt Alvernia Hospital

Dr Soo-Wan HONG. 
(Estimate Age*: 57 yrs old)
820 Thomson Road, #02 21 Medical Centre A
Mt Alvernia Hospital. Singapore 574623
Tel. : 6352 9512

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