National Skin Centre Singapore: Dermatologists and Charges 2023

We have searched the web to find National Skin Centre related information to commonly searched information and put them in one place for your convenience and further research.

National Skin Centre Address and Contact

National Skin Centre(S) Pte Ltd
Address: 1 Mandalay Road Singapore 308205 (Directions to NSC​)
For general enquiries: (65) 6253 4455 
To make an appointment, please visit their Appointment page​ or call NSC Appointment hotline at 6350 6666​.

National Skin Centre

National Skin Centre Charges

The Centre has two categories of patients. Subsidised and Non-Subsidised patients.

Subsidised Patients

NSC is partly funded by the government through an annual grant. Through this grant, specialised dermatological services can be extended to patients who qualify for government subsidy.

To qualify for this subsidy at NSC, you must:
  • Be a Singaporean or a Permanent Resident of Singapore (holding a Singapore NRIC), and
  • Be referred to us by subsidised clinics of a public health institution or a polyclinic, or from an SAF medical officer/camp and
  • Be referred to the team of dermatologists on duty for that day
  • Be referred to NSC for a medical condition
Many common skin conditions can be adequately handled by the doctors in the polyclinics at nominal fees. The referral process ensures that patients receive the most appropriate level of treatment by the doctors. The subsidy is only applicable for basic medical care.

Non-Subsidised Patients

Non-Subsidised patients include all foreigners, those referred to a specific consultant, self-referrals and those who are referred to us by a private doctor or private hospital.

Important for ALL patients

If you have been discharged from our care and did not return for any follow-up appointments within the next 24 months of open date validity, your case will be considered closed at our centre. Your next visit after the above-mentioned period will be treated as a new visit and first consultation fees will apply. This is to ensure that you will receive proper assessment and treatment from our doctors in light of the lapsed time since your last visit.

Consultation Charges :

Non-Subsidised Rates:
First Consultation
Senior Consultant - $123.00 (Resident), $141.44 (Non Resident)
Consultant - $112.00 (Resident), $128.80 (Non Resident)
Assoc Consultant - $100.00 (Resident), $115 (Non Resident)

Follow-up Consultation
Senior Consultant - $93.00 (Resident), $106.96 (Non Resident)
Consultant - $82.00 (Resident), $94.31 (Non Resident)
Assoc Consultant - $70.00 (Resident), $80.50 (Non Resident)

Subsidised Rates:​
First Consultation - $37.00 (Singapore Citizen), $55.00 (Singapore PR)
Follow-up Consultation - $35​.00 (Singapore Citizen), $52.00 (Singapore PR)

Please note that:

  • Medication, Treatment and Investigations are charged separately.
  • If you have not visited the clinic in the last 2 years, your next visit will be considered a First Visit and you will be charged at First Consultation rate.
  • If you wish to continue to be treated at the subsidised clinic, you must obtain a fresh referral from the polyclinic or subsidised clinics from a public health institution. Otherwise you will be charged at non-subsidised rates.
  • Medication, Treatment and Investigation charges are subject to change without prior notice.
  • Rates indicated are inclusive of GST

Last updated on 4 Dec 2020

National Skin Centre Dermatologist List

Note: The National skin centre has a comprehensive list of subspecialty clinics for skin-related problems.

Dermatologists in National Skin Centre

Clinical Assoc Prof TAN Suat Hoon
(Clinical Interests: Cutaneous Lymphomas, Dermatopathology)

Clinical Prof CHAN Roy 
(Clinical Interests: Sexually Transmitted Infections & HIV, Hair) 

Dr CHIO Tze-Wei Martin 
(Clinical Interests: Sexually Transmitted Infections & HIV, Skin Cancers) 

Adjunct Assoc Prof CHONG Wei Sheng
(Clinical Interests: Photodermatology, Psoriasis)

Clinical Assoc Prof CHUA Sze Hon 
(Clinical Interest: Dermatological & Laser Surgery) 

Clinical Assoc Prof GIAM Yoke Chin 
(Clinical Interest: Paediatric Dermatology) 

Clinical Prof GOH Chee Leok
(Clinical Interests: Contact & Occupational Dermatitis, Dermatological & Laser Surgery)

Dr GOON Teik Jin Anthony 
(Clinical Interest: Contact & Occupational Dermatitis) 

Dr HO Sheun Ling Madeline​​
(Clinical Interest: Paediatric Dermatology) 

Dr LEE Siong See Joyce
(Clinical Interests: Dermatopathology, Hair)

Adjunct Assoc Prof LIM Yen Loo
(Clinical Interests: Immunodermatology, Inpatient Dermatology, Drug Eruptions)

Adjunct Assoc Prof LEOW Yung Hian
(Clinical Interest: Contact & Occupational Dermatitis)

Dr Hazel OON Hwee Boon

Consultant in charge for Acne subspecialty clinic.
(Clinical Interests: Photodermatology, Psoriasis)

Dr PAN Jiun Yit
(Clinical Interests: Cutaneous Infections, Photodermatology, Psoriasis)

Dr SEOW Chew Swee​
(Clinical Interest: Cutaneous Infections)

Dr TAN Wee Ping Melissa
(Clinical Interests: Dermatological & Laser Surgery, Skin Cancers, Cutaneous Lymphoma)

Dr TEY Hong Liang
(Clinical Interests: Neurodermatology, Inpatient Dermatology)​​

Adjunct Prof THNG Tien Guan Steven​
(Clinical Interest: Pigmentary Disorders)​

Dr Ellen CHAN
(Clinical Interest: Sexually Transmitted Infections & HIV)

Dr CHEN Qiping
(Clinical Interests: Skin Cancers, Pigmentary Disorders)

Dr Suzanne CHENG
(Clinical Interests: Skin Cancer, Contact & Occupational Dermatitis, Dermatological & Laser Surgery)

Dr CHIA Hui Yi
(Clinical Interests: Dermatopathology, Skin Cancers)

Dr CHUAH Sai Yee
(Clinical Interests: Pigmentary Disorders, Hair)

Dr HENG Yee Kiat​
(Clinical Interests: Inpatient Dermatology, Psoriasis, Drug Eruptions)

Dr GAN Yiping Emily
(Clinical Interests: Pigmentary Disorders, Paediatric Dermatology)

Dr KER Khor Jia
(Clinical Interests: Dermatological & Laser Surgery, Immunodermatology, Paediatric Dermatology)​ ​

Dr LIANG Weiting Michelle​​
(Clinical Interests: Dermatopathology, Wound / Ulcer Management, Inpatient Dermatology)​

Dr TAN Sern Ting Eugene 
(Clinical Interests: Photodermatology, Psoriasis)

Dr TAN Siyun Lucinda​
(Clinical Interests: Paediatric Dermatology, Immunodermatology, Inpatient Dermatology)

Dr TAN Wei Sheng
(Clinical Interest: Sexually Transmitted Infections & HIV)

Dr TAN Wei Min Aaron
(Clinical Interest: Dermatological & Laser Surgery)

Dr TEE Shang-lan
(Clinical Interests: Dermatopathology, Cutaneous Lymphomas, Urticaria)

Dr WANG Cho Ee Etienne
(Clinical Interests: Hair)

Dr YONG Anning Angeline
(Clinical Interests: Dermatological & Laser Surgery, Skin Cancers, Hair)

Dr YEW Yik Weng
(Clinical Interests: Eczema, Psoriasis)​​​

If you are looking for other skin specialists in Singapore, check out Skin Specialists in Singapore.

Related: Purtier Placenta Singapore: Price and Review


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