How to go about seeing a Skin specialist in Singapore?

Looking for a recommended Skin Specialist (dermatologist) in Singapore? 

Just so that we are on the same page, a skin specialist is a dermatologist if he holds a professional medical degree with further post-graduate training in skin diseases. We wouldn't call someone working at a spa a skin specialist though. However, if you have a skin related problem and has not been well managed by a general practitioner; you would need to be referred to a skin specialist or a dermatologist. 

It's also likely that you would do a Google search first and decide from there. Would you rely on what you just read from the internet to decide?

With tons of low-quality self-help e-books out there on skin disease treatment for acne, eczema, psoriasis etc., we are not surprised if you are confused and overwhelmed with treatment information or rather misinformation i.e. recommendations from Facebook friends, neighbors, emails, forum recommendations, search engine results etc. Before you buy a suspicious skin care product with 'too good to be true claims', do a quick check on Google. Use the product name as the search keywords and also add verification words like scam, hoax etc.

As for the medical specialist selection, the online world provides overwhelming information. While some of the sites do provide the needed information; the method in which the clinics or the specialists are selected are not explained. Have the medical specialists been verified by checking with the Singapore Medical Council? 

Other than the basic selection criteria, I would select a specialist based on experience and training as well as feedback from other specialists, doctors or customers.

We have compiled a list of Skin specialists in Singapore based on Skin specialists from major hospitals and Clinics as well. You would also probably need to filter further based on the condition that you are suffering or based on the procedure that you have planned to do.

Hospital based Skin specialists (dermatologists) in Singapore:

Skin Specialists in NUH (National University Hospital) Singapore

Skin Specialists in Singapore General Hospital (SGH)

Skin Specialists in Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre

Skin Specialists in Gleneagles Medical Centre Singapore

Skin Specialists in Raffles Skin Centre, Raffles Hospital

Clinic based Skin specialists (dermatologists) in Singapore:

Dr Ang Chee Beng, Ang Skin & Hair Clinic,
#01-10 Mt Alvernia Medical Centre, Singapore 574623
Tel: (65) 63533851

Dr Foo Csian Ian Christopher.
Raffles Hospital. 585 North Bridge Road
Singapore 188770

Tel: (65) 63111222

Dr Goh Kim Soon. Goh K S Skin Clinic. #09-20/21 Paragon
Singapore 238859
Tel: (65) 67350111

Dr Kavipurapu Venkata Ratnam. Ratnam's Allergy & Skin Centre.
#05-22 Singapore Shopping Centre. Singapore 239924
Tel: (65) 63393050

Specialist Skin Clinic.
#06-04 Orchard Building, Singapore 239693
Tel: (65) 67341411
Dr Khoo Boo Peng.
Dr Cheong Wai Kwong.
Dr Phay Ken-Lin.

Dr Lim Teng Ee Joyce. Joyce Lim Skin And Laser Clinic. #11-16/20 Paragon
Singapore 238859
Tel: (65) 68349159

Dr Loke Khua Eu.
Loke Skin Clinic Pte Ltd. #09-13 Novena Medical Centre, Singapore 307506
Tel: (65) 63374926

Dr Seah Pong Pin. Seah Skin & Medical Clinic
503 Bishan St 11, Singapore 570503
Tel: (65) 62580577

Dermatology Associates - Dermatologists
Dr ANG Por MBBS (Singapore), MRCP (UK), FAMS (Dermatology)
Dr CHAN Yuin Chew MBBS (Singapore), MRCP (UK), FAMS (Dermatology)
Dr Lawrence KHOO Shih Wee MBBS (Singapore), MRCP (UK), FAMS (Dermatology)
Dr Patricia NG Pei Lin MBBS (Singapore), MRCP (UK), FRCP (Edinburg), FAMS (Dermatology)
Dermatology Associates - Clinic Locations
Dermatology Associates (Paragon)290 Orchard Road, #15-05/06 Paragon, Singapore 238859
Tel: (65) 6333 8108

Dermatology Associates (Gleneagles)6 Napier Road, #07-14 Gleneagles Medical Centre, Singapore 258499Tel: (65) 6471 1733

Dermatology Associates (Connexion)1 Farrer Park Station Road, #12-02 Farrer Park Medical Centre Connexion, Singapore 217562Tel: (65) 6604 6778

Dermatology & Surgery Clinic - Dermatologists
Dr Melvin Ee Hock Leong
Dr Raymond Kwah Yung Chien
Dr Henry Loh
Dermatology & Surgery Clinic - Locations
Orchard#15-09 Paragon (Office Tower), 290 Orchard Road, Singapore 238859Tel: 6733 2668
Shenton#04-05 Equity Plaza, 20 Cecil Street, Singapore 049705Tel: 6533 0339
East#05-01, Parkway East Medical CentreParkway East Hospital, 319 Joo Chiat Place , Singapore 427989Tel: 6471 2722

Source: Internet and (updated 28th Aug 2016)

If there are any that we’ve missed then please let us know in the comments and we’ll add them to the post!


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