Best Dermatologist in Singapore for Acne 2018

If your acne problem is not improving and you are trying to look for the best dermatologist in Singapore for acne, you are in the right place.
acne treatment KL Reviews
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Sometimes I cringe when I read some of the information out there on the internet. With tons of low-quality self-help e-books out there on acne treatment, I am not surprised if you are confused and overwhelmed with acne treatment information or rather misinformation i.e. recommendations from Facebook friends, neighbours, emails, forum recommendations, search engine results etc. 

It's difficult for a layman to differentiate between what is credible and what is basically a marketing hype. But how do you know what you are reading is trustworthy? You can read more about website credibility here:
We have sifted through the internet and have compiled some reviews and recommendations below in order to facilitate your quest for to the best acne dermatologist in Singapore. Please go through them and do your own research and hopefully, your acne problem will be history.


#1 National Skin Centre

The Acne Clinic is headed by Dr Hazel Oon. The Acne Clinic was started in May 2009, and operates on Tuesday afternoons.

The National skin centre has a comprehensive list of subspecialty clinics. Check them out here:

Address: 1 Mandalay Road Singapore 308205 (Directions to NSC​)
For general enquiries: (65) 6253 4455
To make an appointment, please visit their Appointment page​ or call NSC Appointment hotline at 6350 6666​.

National Skin Centre Reviews

By king87 » Sat, 10 Apr 2010
But for serious acnes... like having more than 4-5 cysts all the time then it is best to go on accutane. it is not cheap but effective. not sure if polyclinics have them, some GP have, National skin centre will have too. Some major side effects to note too.
Anything less serious can try antibiotics (pill or cream) like what heikal said, think it is slightly cheaper too, whether acne comes back after medication is on individuals.
Another effective way is to use benzoyl peroxide BP. this u can read more on Guardian etc. will be selling other brands.
I've taken accutane, now only using BP. minor breakouts ocassionally... but seldom see acne.

By amiee40 » Wed, 03 Feb 2010
Tried the local GP? They usually treat the problem with antibiotics and a topical cream. Not that expensive.
If after a few months and still no improvements, get a referral to the National Skin Centre in Novena, cheaper option than private dermas. They may want to treat the problem with roccuatane, laser, more antibiotics.. it all depends.
Becareful of roccutane though. You need to do a liver function test first as it is very toxic. The side effects are pretty bad, dry itchy skin, can't be exposed to the sun for a long time.
#2 Thomson Specialist Skin Centre

Dermatologists: Dr Tan Hiok Hee, Dr Audrey Tan Wei Hsia
Address: 10 Sinaran Drive, Novena Medical Centre #10-05, Square 2
Singapore 307506

Dr Tan Hiok Hee was previously the Consultant in charge of the Acne clinic at National Skin Centre Singapore. He was formerly a Senior Consultant and Assistant Director at the National Skin Centre, Singapore.

#3 The Clifford Clinic 

Opening Hours: Mon to Fri: 10am to 8pm | Sat: 10 am to 2pm | Sun: Closed
Address: 24 Raffles Place, #01-03 Clifford Centre, Singapore 048621

Please take note that the doctors here are not dermatologists but family physicians. However, a trusted General Practitioner or Family Physician with good experience in managing acne problems is a good option other that dermatologists.
Clifford Clinic Review:


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I was so desperate to cure my acne that I was prepared to spend my life savings and delay my plans for marriage just to get a clear complexion, until I found The Clifford Clinic.
It’s kinda cliche to share how I discovered about them. I got to know of The Clifford Clinic through Facebook, and read that they are the ONLY clinic in Singapore which specializes in curing acne from its root???!!! Back then when I read this piece of info, I felt like I have struck lottery!!!
Are you kidding me? Acne has a permanent cure? I’ve been a sufferer of acne for over a decade and this was the first time I heard that acne has a cure?????
Those were my exact thoughts right there and then. I called up the clinic straight away after I saw the post, and booked an appointment for the following day with the aesthetic doctor, Dr. Gerard Ee.

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