HIFU Singapore: A Consumer Guide to High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Treatment in Singapore

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is currently one of the most effective cutting-edge technology for non-surgical face-lifting treatments in Singapore.

HIFU Singapore

However, with a large number of HIFU treatment brands, marketing hype and a broad range of treatment providers, a layperson will tend to get overwhelmed and confused.

In this article, we'll cover all the essentials you need to know before going for your HIFU treatment in Singapore. This includes:
  • How much does HIFU treatment cost in Singapore?
  • Are there other options for facelift in Singapore?
  • HIFU Treatment Before & After Photos

How much does HIFU treatment cost in Singapore?

The prices of HIFU treatments in Singapore vary from SGD 1,500 - SGD 4,000 per session depending on the number of treatment regions, the number of shots and other factors.

HIFU goes by several brand names (which will affect prices/costs). The 3 most common types of HIFU are Ulthera or Ultherapy ('Ulthera' + 'therapy'), Ultraformer 3 and Sygmalift (in no particular order). This list is non-exhaustive as new HIFU devices will continue to be introduced into Singapore.

Prices of HIFU facial treatments in Singapore (Full Face treatment):

  • Ultraformer 3: $2000 to $3000 (1 session that lasts 6 - 12 months)
  • Ulthera: $2300 to $4000 (1 session that lasts 6 - 12 months)
  • Sygmalift: $500 to $700 (3-5 sessions at 3-4 weeks intervals, followed by maintenance sessions)
  • HIFU (korean machines): $1200 to $2500 per session
Source: doctorxdentist.com

  • Smaller area will cost less as compared to a bigger area e.g. full face + neck. 
  • If you have more severe saggy skin, you will require more HIFU shots, which will be more expensive.
Ulthera or Ultherapy ('Ulthera' + 'therapy') is the most known brand - but due to high consumables costing and machine costing, each treatment is SGD 3,000 and up usually.

HIFU treatment Singapore

Are there other options for facelift in Singapore?

Yes, HIFU is not the only option for facelift. HIFU treatments are good for mild to moderate skin laxity. Not everyone will benefit from HIFU treatments. For severe sagging skin, you will benefit more from a surgical face-lift instead.

There is no one size fits all solution for facelift. You may need to consult your trusted aesthetic doctor in order to know what is the best option for you.

The number of options for non-surgical facelifts have increased drastically in recent years, thus making it complicated when it comes to choosing the right one.
A non-surgical face-lift can include a number of different treatments and procedures that aim to address the effects of aging. Non-surgical options for facelifts fall into three categories: replenishing lost volume, resurfacing the superficial skin and tightening deeper tissue. Generally, a range of treatments are used in combination to achieve your overall facial rejuvenation goals.

We will cover the pros and cons of the popular non-surgical facelifts.
1. Ultherapy (First Generation High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) Singapore

Ultherapy (HIFU treatment) delivers High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) energy
 in a bullet-like manner to cause instant tightening of the Superficial Musculo Aponeurotic System (SMAS) layer of the face, stimulating collagen production without cutting the skin surface. The SMAS is the muscular layer that plastic surgeons pull and tighten in a surgical facelift procedure.

Ultherapy provides an instant and immediate lifting effect, followed by collagen stimulation over the next 3 months. Both effects are induced by the ultrasound energy. It's also very safe because the machine allows ultrasound visualization of the different structures and layers under the skin, allowing the operator to precisely target the right tissue - there's almost no chance of burns with this treatment.
Pros of Ultherapy:
  1. Instantly visible lift seen (forehead, eyebrows, cheeks, jowls, neck) with further improvement over 3 months.
  2. No needles or injections needed.
  3. FDA-cleared, non-invasive procedure that lifts and tightens the neck, chin and brow, and improves lines and wrinkles on the chest.
  4. Able to reduce the size of chubby cheeks.
Cons of Ultherapy:
  1. Treatment is pretty painful, although a pain score of 5 - 8/10 can be brought down to 1 - 2/10 with a nerve block.
  2. Efficacy of treatment is variable due to energy level and shot count having variations between different operators.
  3. Not suitable if you are thin-skinned and don’t have much fat on your face.
2. Thermage CPT

Thermage uses a radiofrequency (RF) device to heat the deep, collagen-rich layers of your skin. The heat helps remodel existing collagen and produce new collagen, which improves skin smoothness and texture.
Pros of Thermage:
  1. Face-lift effect is subtle and gentle, recommended for younger patients between 25 - 40 years old.
  2. No needles or injections (ideal if you are fearful of injections but want some sort of facial rejuvenation).
Cons of Thermage:
  1. Thermage can’t lift moderately saggy tissues and skin in older patients. Not suitable for moderate to severe signs of facial aging.
  2. Chance of skin burns.
  3. Burning discomfort during treatment.
Collagen production takes around 6 - 12 weeks, so don't expect obvious results before 6 weeks.
Ref: https://www.doctorxdentist.com/insider-guide-non-surgical-facelifts-singapore-1

3. Dermal Filler Lifts

Dermal fillers have been around for more than 10 years. Previously, doctors used them to fill facial depressions, skin folds and volume loss, although it was recently discovered that they are extremely effective for face-lifting as well.

Common fillers used in Malaysia nowadays are:
  • Restylane & Juvederm (Hyaluronic Acid)
  • Radiesse (Calcium Hydroxyapatite)
  • Sculptra (Poly-L-Lactic acid)
  • Ellanse (Polycaprolactone)
Pros of dermal filler lifts:

  1. Instant visible lift seen (cheeks, jowls, smile lines). Good for last-minute lifting before big events.
  2. No downtime.
Cons of dermal filler lifts:
  1. Unable to lift moderate to severely saggy faces.
  2. Large volume of fillers (3 - 7 CCs) needed for full face treatment.
  3. Risk of a chubby-looking face or lumpy skin in inexperienced hands.

HIFU Treatment Before & After Photos

HIFU facelift malaysia
HIFU Before & After - Cheek

HIFU Before & After - Double Chin
HIFU Before & After - Double Chin

HIFU Before & After - Infraorbital lines
HIFU Before & After - Infraorbital lines

HIFU Before & After - Nasolabial lines
HIFU Before & After - Nasolabial lines

HIFU Before & After - Crow's Feet
HIFU Before & After - Crow's Feet

HIFU Before & After - Upper Arms
HIFU Before & After - Upper Arms



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