Best Recommended Dermatologists in Singapore 2020

How do you go about finding a recommended good dermatologist in Singapore? Google Search? Review Sites? Friends? If you are looking for the best skin specialist (dermatologist) in Singapore, this article was written with you in mind.

If your skin problem is mild and simple, your general practitioner or primary care doctor (in a GP clinic) would be able to manage it. If the skin condition gets worse, then you may wish to 
request your GP to refer you to one of the dermatologists in Singapore.

A good starting point to work from will be based on the type of skin problem that you are
having. Do take note that a dermatologist provides a range of skin care related services from treating simple skin conditions like acne treatment to diagnosis and management of more complicated skin cases like severe acne scars, psoriasis, eczema (atopic dermatitis) and also sexually transmitted infections etc. Some private skin specialists have also expanded their services to provide medical aesthetic consultation services, and selling beauty and skin care products as well. The post-graduate qualification is normally 'MRCP' (Member of the Royal College of Physicians) or Master's in Internal Medicine (dermatology). Most of them will also have subspecialties and therefore, you will need to choose the ones that fit the skin problems that you are having. What if you are not sure of your skin problem and therefore not sure of which sub-specialist to see? You could always discuss this with your general practitioner or a general dermatologist and hopefully they could guide you on this.

Note: The National skin centre has a comprehensive list of subspecialty clinics. Check them out here:

How to find the best dermatologist in Singapore?

If you do a Google search for 'best skin doctor in Singapore', you're just going to find all of 
the other skin specialist websites. Too many options and it's hard to know where to begin.

Bear in mind that the dermatologist's high ranking on page 1 and visible advertisements on Google may not be truly reflective of the doctor's skills, experience and also how 'trustworthy' is the doctor. The skin specialist clinic's ranking and visibility depends on the Google Adwords advertising, Google's search engine algorithms and also can be manipulated by some SEO (search engine optimisation) professionals and tools.

There are many review sites that provide a list of skin specialists and rank them according
to their own methods. However, those reviews may not be objective, and that ratings may not be statistically valid. Though the sites are trying to make the ranking objective, the reviews are a listing of opinions and should be judged as such. Therefore, do take those reviews and rankings with a grain of salt.
  • You need to rely on your own online and offline research. Feedback from other doctors and friends needs to be incorporated. It's also important to take into consideration other factors like ‘where’ the clinic is, the management of the hospital or the clinic, easy parking, appointment waiting list etc. 
  • Dermatologists, Skin Specialists or Estheticians? Who do you see for your skin problems? Should you see your regular doctor? Should you go to a beauty centre and consult your esthetician? The main difference between a dermatologist and an esthetician is the training background for each profession. If you go see a dermatologist or a skin specialist, you're seeing a doctor. This means that he or she has completed medical school and a few years of residency at a medical facility. An esthetician or beautician is a person who has been trained in beauty care. This includes facial massage, manicure, pedicure and some basic medical science like anatomy and physiology related to the face and body. An esthetician or beautician is not allowed to use needles or to give injections (e.g. botox etc.) and certainly not allowed to do surgery on you. 
  • A good starting point will be to see your usual family or primary care doctor who has your records. If the skin problem is mild and simple, your general practitioner (GP) or primary care doctor (in a GP clinic) would be able to manage it. If the condition gets worse, then you may wish to request your GP to refer you to one of the skin specialist clinics in Singapore. If you are looking for an affordable dermatologist or are concerned that the skin specialists in the private sector can be expensive, you could always try to get a referral to the public or government skin specialists e.g. National Skin Centre, SGH or NUH. They may not allow you to make appointment directly without a referral from either a general practitioner or a medical officer from the primary care department. Please make your call and enquire directly.
We have compiled a list of skin specialists in Singapore by hospital and also a list of private dermatology clinics below. 

If you wish to check out reviews on dermatologists in Singapore, check out Singapore Dermatologist Review.

Hospital based Skin specialists (dermatologists) in Singapore:

National Skin Centre(S) Pte Ltd

Address: 1 Mandalay Road Singapore 308205 (Directions to NSC​)
For general enquiries: (65) 6253 4455
To make an appointment, please visit their Appointment page​ or call NSC Appointment hotline at 6350 6666​.

Dermatologists in National Skin Centre

Clinical Assoc Prof TAN Suat Hoon
(Clinical Interests: Cutaneous Lymphomas, Dermatopathology)

Clinical Prof CHAN Roy
(Clinical Interests: Sexually Transmitted Infections & HIV, Hair)

Dr CHIO Tze-Wei Martin
(Clinical Interests: Sexually Transmitted Infections & HIV, Skin Cancers)

Adjunct Assoc Prof CHONG Wei Sheng
(Clinical Interests: Photodermatology, Psoriasis)

Clinical Assoc Prof CHUA Sze Hon
(Clinical Interest: Dermatological & Laser Surgery)

Clinical Assoc Prof GIAM Yoke Chin
(Clinical Interest: Paediatric Dermatology)

Clinical Prof GOH Chee Leok
(Clinical Interests: Contact & Occupational Dermatitis, Dermatological & Laser Surgery)

Dr GOON Teik Jin Anthony
(Clinical Interest: Contact & Occupational Dermatitis)

Dr HO Sheun Ling Madeline​​
(Clinical Interest: Paediatric Dermatology)

Dr LEE Siong See Joyce
(Clinical Interests: Dermatopathology, Hair)

Adjunct Assoc Prof LIM Yen Loo
(Clinical Interests: Immunodermatology, Inpatient Dermatology, Drug Eruptions)

Adjunct Assoc Prof LEOW Yung Hian
(Clinical Interest: Contact & Occupational Dermatitis)

Dr Hazel OON Hwee Boon

Consultant in charge for Acne subspecialty clinic.
(Clinical Interests: Photodermatology, Psoriasis)

Dr PAN Jiun Yit
(Clinical Interests: Cutaneous Infections, Photodermatology, Psoriasis)

Dr SEOW Chew Swee​
(Clinical Interest: Cutaneous Infections)

Dr TAN Wee Ping Melissa
(Clinical Interests: Dermatological & Laser Surgery, Skin Cancers, Cutaneous Lymphoma)

Dr TEY Hong Liang
(Clinical Interests: Neurodermatology, Inpatient Dermatology)​​

Adjunct Prof THNG Tien Guan Steven​
(Clinical Interest: Pigmentary Disorders)​

Dr Ellen CHAN
(Clinical Interest: Sexually Transmitted Infections & HIV)

Dr CHEN Qiping
(Clinical Interests: Skin Cancers, Pigmentary Disorders)

Dr Suzanne CHENG
(Clinical Interests: Skin Cancer, Contact & Occupational Dermatitis, Dermatological & Laser Surgery)

Dr CHIA Hui Yi
(Clinical Interests: Dermatopathology, Skin Cancers)

Dr CHUAH Sai Yee
(Clinical Interests: Pigmentary Disorders, Hair)

Dr HENG Yee Kiat​
(Clinical Interests: Inpatient Dermatology, Psoriasis, Drug Eruptions)

Dr GAN Yiping Emily
(Clinical Interests: Pigmentary Disorders, Paediatric Dermatology)

Dr KER Khor Jia
(Clinical Interests: Dermatological & Laser Surgery, Immunodermatology, Paediatric Dermatology)​ ​

Dr LIANG Weiting Michelle​​
(Clinical Interests: Dermatopathology, Wound / Ulcer Management, Inpatient Dermatology)​

Dr TAN Sern Ting Eugene
(Clinical Interests: Photodermatology, Psoriasis)

Dr TAN Siyun Lucinda​
(Clinical Interests: Paediatric Dermatology, Immunodermatology, Inpatient Dermatology)

Dr TAN Wei Sheng
(Clinical Interest: Sexually Transmitted Infections & HIV)

Dr TAN Wei Min Aaron
(Clinical Interest: Dermatological & Laser Surgery)

Dr TEE Shang-lan
(Clinical Interests: Dermatopathology, Cutaneous Lymphomas, Urticaria)

Dr WANG Cho Ee Etienne
(Clinical Interests: Hair)

Dr YONG Anning Angeline
(Clinical Interests: Dermatological & Laser Surgery, Skin Cancers, Hair)

Dr YEW Yik Weng
(Clinical Interests: Eczema, Psoriasis)​​​

University Medicine Cluster at National University Hospital (S) Pte Ltd
5 Lower Kent Ridge Road
Singapore 119074
Contact details (Main Line): +(65) 6779 5555 (24-Hr)
Emergency (24 Hrs): +(65) 6772 5000

Dr Paul Lorenz Bigliardi (Senior Consultant)
Dr Aw Chen Wee, Derrick (Consultant)
Dr Huma Jaffar (Consultant)
Dr Seow Chew Swee (Senior Visiting Consultant)
Dr Wong Soon Tee (Visiting Consultant)
Dr Lee Sze Min (Resident Physician)

Dermatologists in Singapore General Hospital (SGH)

Singapore General Hospital
Address: Outram Road Singapore 169608
Telephone Contact No.: +(65) 6222 3322

Dr. Pang Shiu Ming
Dr. Lee Huar Yueh
Dr T. Thirumoorthy
Dr Koh Hong Yi

Dermatologists in Gleneagles Hospital Singapore

Dr Chan Yuin Chew, Dermatology Associates Pte Ltd.
#07-14, Gleneagles Hospital, 6 Napier Road, Singapore 258499
Telephone contact number: (65) 64711733

Dr Lim Kah Beng, K B Lim Skin Clinic Pte Ltd.
#09-06, Gleneagles Hospital, 6 Napier Road, Singapore 258499
Tel: (65) 64710965

Dr Nayar Thekke Karumathil Mallika, Mallika's Clinic For Hair & Skin.
#03-19, Gleneagles Hospital, 6 Napier Road, Singapore 258499
Tel: (65) 64740112

Dr Ng Pei Lin, Patricia. Dermatology Associates
#07-14 Gleneagles Hospital, 6 Napier Road, Singapore 258499
Tel: (65) 64711733

Dr Tham Siew Nee, Tham Siew Nee Skin Clinic
#07-08 Gleneagles Hospital, 6 Napier Road, Singapore 258499
Tel: (65) 64766821

Dermatologists in Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre

Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre (Mount E)
Address: 3 Mount Elizabeth, Singapore 228510
+65 6737 2666

Dr. Rosalind Khoo
Dr. Oon Beng Bee
Dr. Wong Su Ni
Dr. Eileen Tan
Dr. Jean Ho Chin Ching
Dr. Cheong Lai Leng
Dr Foo Kim Geok, Jennifer
Dr Lee Chui Tho

Private Skin specialist (dermatologist) Clinics in Singapore (alphabetical order)

Dr Ang Chee Beng, Ang Skin & Hair Clinic,
#01-10 Mt Alvernia Medical Centre, Singapore 574623
Tel: (65) 63533851

Dr Ang Por, Dermatology Associates Pte Ltd,
#15-05/06 Paragon, Singapore 238859
Tel: (65) 63338108

Dr Cheong Wai Kwong. Specialist Skin Clinic. 

#06-04 Orchard Building
Singapore 239693
Tel: (65) 67341411

Dr Christopher Foo Csian Ian.
Raffles Hospital. 585 North Bridge Road
Singapore 188770
Tel: (65) 63111222

Dr Goh Kim Soon. Goh K S Skin Clinic.
#09-20/21 Paragon, Singapore 238859
Tel: (65) 67350111

Dr Kavipurapu Venkata Ratnam. Ratnam's Allergy & Skin Centre.
#05-22 Singapore Shopping Centre. Singapore 239924
Tel: (65) 63393050

Dr Khoo Boo Peng. Specialist Skin Clinic. 

#06-04 Orchard Building, Singapore 239693
Tel: (65) 67341411

Dr Khoo Shih Wee Lawrence. Dermatology Associates Pte Ltd.
#15-05/06 Paragon, Singapore 238865
Tel: (65) 63338108

Dr Lim Teng Ee Joyce. Joyce Lim Skin And Laser Clinic. 

#11-16/20 Paragon, Singapore 238859
Tel: (65) 68349159

Dr Loh Teck Hiong Henry. Dermatology Associates Pte Ltd.
#15-05/06 Paragon, Singapore 238865
Tel: (65) 63338108

Dr Loke Khua Eu. Loke Skin Clinic Pte Ltd. 

#09-13 Novena Medical Centre, Singapore 307506
Tel: (65) 63374926

Dr Phay Ken-Lin. Specialist Skin Clinic. 

#06-04 Orchard Building, Singapore 239693
Tel: (65) 67341411

Dr Seah Pong Pin. Seah Skin & Medical Clinic
503 Bishan St 11, Singapore 570503
Tel: (65) 62580577

If there are any that we’ve missed then please let us know in the comments and we’ll add them to the post!



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